Replacement and overhaul of the hydraulic cylinders for the loading hatch covers of MS Ingwar Selmer
Austausch und Überholung der Hydraulikzylinder für die Ladelukendeckel der Ingwar Selmer Projektinformationen We provided a team of four people to replace and simultaneously overhaul the hydraulic cylinders for the cargo hatch covers. Loading hatch covers are folding covers which are opened by hydraulic cylinders. The lids leaked and were leaking. When the ship was taken [...]
Repair of a windlass
Reparatur einer Winde Projektinformationen On a Friday evening a customer asked us for help. On Monday at 6 a. m. our technicians packed all tools they would need for this short-term assignment. They left on Tuesday. Two technicians went to Brunsbüttel together with the customer in order to dismount a windlass from the deck. The [...]
Construction of a boat rack for winterizing of a recreational boat
Konstruktion eines Winterbocks für ein Sportboot Projektinformationen A customer came round and asked for being supplied a boat rack for winterizing of his newly bought recreational boat. We planned and implemented the same at customer's options. The customer is very satisfied and authorized us with future maintenance of his recreational boat. 01 Kunde Privatkunde 03 [...]
Change of a crankshaft aboard the MV “Leni Selmer”
Wechsel einer Kurbelwelle Projektinformationen A Hamburg shipping company authorized us to change a crankshaft aboard the MV Wehr Schulau. There a crankshaft damage had occurred, and we uncovered the motor block and mounted the lifting equipment below deck. After preparation, the block was lifted and the crankshaft dismounted. The crankshaft was left for repair in [...]
Development & construction of a houseboat hull
The customer Preuss Messe received a hull from us for their 1st houseboat. The task was very versatile.
Renewal of the motor block aboard the MV “Thomas Selmer”
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